
Easy, Not Easy

  •   0%
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  • Can you play this game?
    Yes, I can play that game./No, I can't play that game.
  • Can this elephant jump?
    No, this elephant can't jump.
  • Is this jump easy?
    This jump is easy.
  • Is this puzzle easy?
    This puzzle is easy.
  • Is this puzzle easy?
    This puzzle is not easy.
  • Is this game easy?
    This game is easy.
  • Is this math easy?
    This math is not easy.
  • Is this jump easy?
    This jump is not easy.
  • Is this math easy?
    This math is easy.
  • Can you solve this math problem?
    Yes, I can solve that math problem./No, I can't solve that math problem.
  • Can you solve this puzzle?
    Yes, I can solve that puzzle./No, I can't solve that puzzle.
  • Is this game easy?
    This game is not easy.