
World War I

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  • How did President Wilson respond to Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare policy?
    He said the US will not be threatened and continued to send ships to targeted waters
  • According to the cartoon, what is the cartoonist’s opinion about the United States' foreign policy?
    Stay Neutral
  • What type of warfare was used to destroy the Lusitania?
    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
  • What was "no man's land"?
    area between the trenches
  • The assassination of __________________ escalated and eventually caused the start of war.
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • Define nationalism
    Having pride or being proud of your country
  • What event is this propaganda poster referring to?
    The Sinking of the Lusitania
  • Define Imperialism
    One nation taking over another
  • What is this World War I poster an example of
  • Which nation intercepted the Zimmerman Note and told the United States?
  • What was the name of Woodrow Wilson's plan?
    14 Points
  • How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to World War II?
    This treaty punished Germany which led to the rise of Hitler and his revenge.
  • How did Americans feel about the League of Nations and how did the Senate react?
    Americans did not want to get involved, so the Senate rejected the League of Nations.
  • What were the four MAIN causes of World War I?
    militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
  • How did alliances lead to World War I?
    One nation's problems or enemies become your own problems
  • Why did Americans feel closer ties to the Allies? Provide at least 2 reasons why.
    A common democratic system, economic relied on one another, common language and history with Britain
  • What was the Zimmerman note?
    Note from Germany to Mexico asking them to attack the US.