
Plate Tectonics

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  • The lithosphere is what two layers?
    crust and upper mantle
  • What is made at a divergent boundary?
    SFS or new crust?
  • What layer do the plates float on?
    mantle thicc
  • What is made at a convergent boundary?
  • What is made at a transform boundary?
  • an example of a transform boundary?
    san andreas california
  • How do the plates move?
    Convection currents
  • what is subduction?
    one plate moves under another
  • With your hands how do convergent boundaries move?
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  • With your hands how do transform boundaries move?
    Slide past or up and down
  • When material is heated up it moves this way...
  • What are the three types of boundaries?
    Transform, convergent, divergent.
  • how fast are the plates moving?
    about a couple centimeters a year?
  • When material cools down it moves....
    sinks or down
  • The crust is broken into pieces called?
    tectonic plates bruh
  • At a divergent boundary the ocean crust moves outwards in two directios. Describe why the youngest crust is near or right at the mid ocean ridge.
    its youngest cause the mid ocean ridge is where the plated divide allowing magma from the mantle to rise and meet cold ocean water creating new crust
  • With your hands how do divergent boundaries move?
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