
MGT4/R4 Lesson 2 Vocab List 2

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  • What is a synonym for remedy?
    cure, treatment
  • What is a synonym to the word enthusiastic?
    eager, excited
  • What is the opposite of succeed?
  • What is something that takes a lot of courage?
    answers may vary
  • What is popular in Korea?
    answers may vary
  • What is a synonym for setback?
  • What is another word for performance?
    a show
  • What is a loan?
    to give something such as money to someone who agrees to give it back
  • What is another word for laborer?
  • What is a synonym for leak?
    spill, drip
  • What does convince mean?
    to persuade someone to do or believe something
  • What is a relevation?
    a surprising secret that has been made known to others
  • An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business. True or False?
  • easy to appreciate or understand What is the word?
  • Courage is the same as having bravery. True or False