
Would You Rather?

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  • Would you rather be really rich, but alone OR poor but having so many friends and a big family?
  • Would you rather be the richest human on the planet, but lonely OR be the poorest person but be happy?
  • Would you rather live with an annoying sister who tries to get you in trouble OR a pet goat who climbs, rips and eats everything?
  • Would you rather spend a night without sleep OR a day without food?
  • Would you rather sleep with 50 ticks OR sleep next to a live volcano?
  • Would you rather have all the money in the world like Quentin OR have no money at all?
  • Would you rather break and arm OR break a leg?
  • Would you rather have your parents remind you to clean your room OR remind your parents to clean their rooms?
  • Would you rather scrape the concrete off the road and eat it OR eat some priceless metal that is radioactive but then win $9,000,000?
  • Would you rather push your face in a puddle full of mud and glue put together and have in all over your face and mouth OR spend the rest of your life with 65 snakes all over you?
  • Would you rather have a Unicorn that can fly OR a Dog that can do magic?
  • Would you rather sleep for 1 week OR stay up for 3 days and two nights?
  • Would you rather swim in a pool with sharks OR with an octopus?
  • Would you rather to go to school OR use a virtual reality tool to make everything the same as school?
  • Would you rather save $1,000,000 OR save a kid?
  • Would you rather have one older brother OR two baby sisters?
  • Would you rather see a part of your life time that had happened but you forgot about it OR see a time that will happen to you in the future?
  • Would you rather have a very expensive house outside OR a very expensive house inside?
  • Would you rather sleep 50 years OR only live 50 years?
  • Would you rather be a doctor OR a teacher?
  • Would you rather to be able to fly OR be able to teleport?
  • Would you rather have infinite wishes OR be able to spawn something right in front of you (except natural disasters)?
  • Would you rather be popular so that every one in the world would know your name OR nobody would know about you at all?
  • Would you rather have an electric scooter OR an old car?