
Famous U.S Landmarks

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  • Where is the Capitol located?
    Washington D.C
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    The Statue of Liberty
  • In which state is Disney World located?
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Hollywood Sign
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    White House
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Empire State
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Central Park
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Lincoln Memorial
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Rushmore Mountain
  • Where is this landmark located?
    San Francisco,California
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Brooklyn Bridge
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Times Square
  • What is the name of this landmark?
    Great Canyon