
Conditional sentence Type 1

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  • I ______ (learn) flamenco if I _______ (go) to Spain this summer.
    I will learn flamenco if I go to Spain this summer.
  • It ________ (take) her three hours to get to Rome if Mrs. Dawson _____ (fly) by plane
    It will take her three hours to get to Rome if Mrs. Dawson _____ flies by plane.
  • If you ________ (not/ brush) your teeth after meals, you _______ (have) cavities.
    If you don’t brush your teeth after meals, you will have cavities.
  • If Alice _______ (do) her homework before 6, her mum ________ (let) her go out to play.
    If Alice does her homework before 6, her mum will let her go out to play.
  • John _______ (be) healthier if he ______ (lose) a few pounds and ______ (eat) less.
    John will be healthier if he loses a few pounds and eats less.
  • The baby ________ (cry) if you ________ (not/want) to play with him.
    The baby will cry if you don’t want to play with him.
  • Pete’s parents ______ (be) very proud of him if he _____ (get) good marks.
    Pete’s parents will be very proud of him if he gets good marks.
  • If you _______ (have) your hair dyed, you __________ (look) much better.
    If you have your hair dyed, you will look much better.
  • We _________ (not/ visit) Paris if we ____________ (not/save) enough money.
    We won’t visit Paris if we don’t save enough money.
  • Tom _______ (go) sailing if the weather _______ (be) nice this weekend
    Tom will go sailing if the weather is nice this weekend.
  • _________ (you/be) thrilled if you _______ (try) bungee jumping?
    Will you be thrilled if you try bungee jumping?
  • If you ________ (go) to bed early, you _____ ______ (not/be) tired tomorrow
    If you go bed early, you won’t be tired tomorrow