
Solve the Problem

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  • What is something you are looking forward to?
  • You find out your friend did not invite you to a party. what do you do?
    Talk to your friend about it.
  • You get to lunch and don't like any of the food options. What do you do?
    Get some of the sides to eat so you have enough to hold you over.
  • How can you help a friend who is sad?
    talk to them, try to cheer them up, give them a hug, talk to an adult
  • Another student is calling you names. What do you do?
    Tell them to stop, if they don't stop tell an adult.
  • What is your favorite snack?
  • You forget your homework . What do you do?
    Talk to the teacher and tell them you will bring it tomorrow.
  • Your dog is very sick and you are upset. What can you do?
    Talk to a friend or trusted adult.
  • Someone tells you that your best friend was talking about you behind your back. What do you do?
    Talk to your friend. Maybe it is a misunderstanding.
  • What is something that makes you happy?
  • You forget your backpack at home and your bus is here to pick you up. What do you do?
    Try to call home or just explain to your teacher what happened.
  • What is something you can do when you are sad?
    Talk to someone, do a hobby that makes you happy, do something to relax
  • You plan to go on a vacation and it gets cancelled at the last minute. How do you feel?
    sad and disappointed
  • You fail a test and you think your parents will be upset. What do you do?
    Be honest and tell them you will try harder next time.
  • You are in line and someone pushes you. What do you do?
    See if they apologize, if not ask why they did it and if you need help find an adult.
  • You get in a fight with your friend. How should you handle it?
    Cool down and then talk about it with your friend. If you need help, ask an adult.
  • What is your favorite hobby?