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  • Tell a teammate something that can help make them feel good about themself.
    "You are amazing!" "I believe in you!" "You are such a nice person"
  • T/F- Your parents can help build your self-esteem.
    True! They can praise and encourage you which helps build self-esteem!
  • Is this positive or negative self-talk? I'll never learn how to ride a bike.
    NEGATIVE self-talk :(
  • True or False: You are a worthwhile, amazing person.
  • What is your favorite quality about yourself?
    My favorite thing about myself is....
  • What is self-esteem?
    How you feel and think about yourself; how much confidence you have in yourself and your abilities
  • Is this positive or negative self-talk? This is really hard but I will not give up!
  • What does it mean to have low self-esteem?
    Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do.
  • Explain how OTHER people can affect YOUR self-esteem.
    If you surround yourself with positive people who believe in you, they can help BUILD your self-esteem. If you are around negative people who put you down, thi
  • How can self-esteem affect your mood?
    If you feel good about yourself and think positive thoughts- your mood is elevated. If you feel/think badly about yourself, your mood will most likely be LOW
  • T or F: A person with low self-esteem is doomed to always be miserable and negative.
    What is FALSE! Self-esteem can be learned and built-up!
  • Turn this into a positive statement...I'm a terrible person. No one will ever like me.
    I am awesome! I am likeable. etc.
  • What is something you did really well lately?
    "Something I did really well recently is..."
  • Is this a positive or negative self-talk? I didn't get an 'A' but I tried my best!
    POSITIVE self-talk
  • "I'm stupid" is an example of?
    Negative self-talk
  • Name something you are really good at.
    I am good at....
  • Say a positive affirmation about yourself.
  • T or F: Talking to myself in the mirror is just crazy and can't possibly help my mood or self-esteem.
    What is FALSE! This is called positive self-talk! Telling yourself positive things can lift your mood and remind yourself of your good qualities!
  • "I'm going to get through this because I am a strong and brave person" is an example of....?
    Positive self-talk