
Renaissance Review

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  • Why did the Renaissance start in Italy?
    location - connected to many trade routes (especially Silk Road), spread ideas through trade. Successful/rich area due to trade and climate.
  • The __________ was the time period in Europe roughly between the 1400s-1600s. It was a "rebirth" of classical ideas from Ancient Rome and Greece. There was a rekindling of art, science and discovery.
  • From the paintings in the picture, identify which painting is from the Renaissance and which is from the Middle Ages.
    Left = Renaissance Right= Middle Ages
  • A ___-______ is a politically independent city and the rural area surrounding it
  • The Renaissance borrowed many ideas, philosophies and architecture from the classical civilizations of Ancient ______ and ______.
    Greece, Rome.
  • The ___ ____ was an ancient trade network that stretched from China to the Mediterranean.
    Silk Road
  • The _____ ______ was one of the largest pandemics in Europe. It raged throughout Europe from 1347 and 1351, where an estimated 25 million people died. (~ 1/3 of entire population).
    Black Death/Bubonic Plague
  • The __________ were a series of religious wars between 1095 – 1291 between Christians and Muslims in order to regain holy land.
  • The ____ _____ were a powerful banking family in Florence and were patrons of the arts.
    Medici Family
  • _____ ______ was a German Monk who began the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century after posting his criticisms (95 Theses) of the Catholic church on the door of a chapel. His main issue was with indulgences (paying to absolve sins).
    Martin Luther
  • The 3 largest Italian city-states were ________, ________, ________
    Venice, Genoa, Florence
  • During the Middle Ages, European society was organized in a system called _________
  • _______ is a system of thought that centres around humans and our potential, values and worth. Science, art, architecture and literature are important, and life on Earth has value.
  • Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1468, the ______ _____ helped spread the ideas of the Renaissance to the masses. It increased literacy and education became more available to the masses.
    printing press
  • Why is Leonardo da Vinci known as the ultimate "Renaissance Man?"
    He was skilled in many different areas (science and the arts).
  • List 3 important discoveries/advancements during the Renaissance
    Scientific Method, Earth is not centre of Universe, printing press, clocks, better study of anatomy, telescope, literature (Shakespeare), architecture (Duomo)