
Unit 3 Imperialism/WWI

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  • How might alliances lead to war?
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • What was a political motive for imperialism?
    To build power and be recognized as a world power, national pride, competition, expansion
  • Why was Unrestricted Submarine warfare a reason for America's involvement in WWI
    German submarine blew up passenger ship with American citizens on it
  • What were the goals of the period of Imperialism?
    To gain power and to be recognized as a global power
  • What was a cultural motive of imperialism?
    the idea of Social Darwinism and the desire to spread a "superior" American Culture
  • Name 2 motives for Imperialism
    I'll let you know if you are right :)
  • How might imperialism lead to war?
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • What is the meaning of "White Man's Burden"
    It is the duty of white people to help or manage nonwhite people
  • Why was the Spanish- American War started?
    America wanted to "help" Cuba; Yellow Journalism blamed Spain for blowing up the USS Maine - started war
  • What was a religious reason for Imperialism?
    To convert non-Christian people to Christianity
  • Name 2 motives for imperialism
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • Define Yellow Journalism
    Sensational or exaggerated news/media
  • When did WWI start and when did America join in?
    1914; 1917
  • What was an economic reason for imperialism?
    new markets
  • Define Imperialism
    When a powerful nation takes over a weak nation
  • What was a military reason for imperialism?
    To have military bases around the world and to have military power
  • How might nationalism lead to war?
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • What impact did Yellow Journalism have on the Spanish-American War?
    It led to United Stated declaring war on Spain due to false headlines about Spain blowing up the USS Maine
  • What was Trench Warfare?
    Building trenches in the ground for protection
  • Describe the Zimmerman note
    Germany asked Mexico for help and in return Germany would help Mexico fight America for territory back
  • What is nationalism?
    Pride, support, devotion, or loyalty to one's nation
  • What is Militarism?
    Building and keeping a strong military
  • Name 2 positives of war
    increase in production, development of tech, increase in employment, initial boom in economy
  • What is the difference between a Two front war and a Total War?
    Two front war: fighting on to 2 different geographic fronts. Total War: Every resource is used including civilians at home
  • What are some problems caused by trench warfare?
    disease, starvation, exposure,
  • How did American Propaganda play a role in America's entrance into WWI?
    Showed citizens how awful Germany/The Enemy was- made people want to get involved
  • what does MANIA stand for?
    Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Assassination
  • When was the Spanish-American war?
  • How might militarism lead to war?
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • Define Social Darwinism
    theory that humans are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals