
Energy Conversion

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  • A cars brakes transfer the kinetic energy of a moving car into what type of energy? ____________
    Thermal Energy
  • What type of energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom?
    Nuclear Energy
  • When you burn coal, the chemical energy is transferred to what two types of energy? _____________ & ____________
    Thermal + Light
  • What type of energy is stored in a sandwich?
    Chemical Energy
  • A moving wind turbine is an example of ___________ energy converting to ___________ energy.
    Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy
  • What type of energy is stored in a battery?
    Chemical Energy
  • What type of energy is transferred around a circuit?
    Electrical Energy
  • All moving objects have ____________ energy.
  • A TV transfers electrical energy in to what 3 types of energy?
    Light, Sound and Thermal
  • What is the energy transfer that occurs when a person is running? _____________ --> _____________
    Chemical Energy to Mechanical Energy
  • What energy transfer occurs when a person is playing a violin? ________________ --> _________________
    Mechanical Energy to Sound Energy
  • A laptop transfers ___________ energy to light, sound, and thermal energy.
  • A hairdryer converts ___________ energy to ____________ energy.
    Electrical to Thermal
  • As water falls over a waterfall, its ________________ energy is transformed into ___________ energy.
    Gravitational Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy
  • What energy transformation occurs at a nuclear power plant? _____________ --> ________________
    Nuclear Energy to Thermal and Electrical Energy
  • Energy from the sun is transferred to earth as what type of energy?
    Light Energy
  • When a tennis ball is dropped, it transfers gravitational potential energy into which type of energy?
    Kinetic Energy
  • Burning wood is an example ___________ energy transforming into ____________ energy.
    Chemical Energy to Heat Energy
  • When a flashlight is turned on, the _____________ energy is first transformed into __________ energy and then into ___________ energy.
    Chemical --> Electrical --> Light
  • What is the force used by the brakes of a bike, to transfer kinetic energy into thermal energy?
  • A tree growing fruit is an example of ___________ energy transforming to _____________ energy.
    Light Energy to Chemical Energy
  • What is the name of the energy store when objects are up high?
    Gravitational Potential Energy
  • Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be _______________.
  • A toaster transfers electrical energy to _____________ and ____________ energy.
    Thermal and Light