
Let's Review: Words with Prefixes

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  • What does it mean to "retry"? What things do you "retry"?
    Try again.; Answers will vary
  • BONUS: Which of these is not a noun?: Asia, She, Cat, Go
  • What does it mean to be unsure?
    Not sure; uncertain; "I don't know"
  • What does a prefix do?
    It makes a word mean something different by adding letters.
  • What are the two meanings of disorder?
    A medical problem AND chaos or mess
  • What TWO prefixes mean not?
    Dis- and un-
  • What does it mean for something to be uneven?
    Not even; crooked; one side higher than the other
  • What it something that is "unneeded"? Why do you say that?
    Unneeded- Not needed; answers will vary
  • What kinds of things can we unplug?
    Phones, TVs, microwaves...
  • What kinds of things do we unpack?
    Packages; suitcases
  • We can use refill as a verb. What else can it be? Can you give an example?
    A noun. "I would like a refill."
  • My homework is not done. It is __________.
  • What does it mean to "relive" something?
    Live again; usually "remember"
  • What are the two meanings of return?
    To go back AND to give back
  • I had a bad _________ to the bad news. (reaction or react?)
    I had a bad reaction to the bad news. (Reaction is the noun. react is the verb)
  • Finish the question: "Do you agree or _______?"
  • What are three emotions that might be "unhappy"?
    Mad; sad; frustrated; angry
  • What might I have to repay?
    A loan
  • I ______ my favorite 20 songs all the time.