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  • This is in the sky and plants use it for energy.
    The sun!
  • This part of the flower is green and protects the petals.
    The sepals.
  • These are the colorful part of the flower that attracts insects.
    The petals.
  • This supports the plant and transports nutrients.
    The stem!
  • Plants get their nutrients from where?
    The soil!
  • This part of the plant is very pretty and attracts bees.
    The flower!
  • These are all of the female parts of the flower together.
    The pistil.
  • These are green and they absorb energy from the Sun.
  • Are plants living or non-living?
    Plants are living!
  • These aborb nutrients for the plant and are attached in the soil.
  • These are all of the male parts of the flower together.
    The stamen.
  • You can drink this and plants also need it.
  • We can eat this part of the plant and it contains the seeds.