
Sitti's Secrets

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  • How did Mona communicate with her grandma when she visited once?
    through her dad, who they used as a phone, as he spoke both languges
  • Where is the grandma from?
    She's from the Middle East
  • When Mona goes to sleep, what does she think about?
    Teacher decides whether to accept the answer or not
  • Grandma's voice giggled and wh _ _ _ _ ed like the wind.
  • It says in the text that Grandma's voice had a thousand ____________in it.
  • When sun is peeking through Mona's grandma's window......
    The sky where Mona lives, grows dark
  • Where does Mona live?
    She lives in America
  • What did Mona play with her cousins? For her, what did they look like?
    They played( with) marbles that spun through the dust like planets
  • Why did Mona want her grandma to take off her scarf?
    So the she cuould check if her curly hair was striped.
  • Why did Mona call her grandma 'Sitti?'
    this means 'grandma' in Arabic