
Spring Multiple Meaning Words

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  • What are two meanings of the word “Saw”?
    Noun - a hand saw, a tool / Verb - to see, look
  • What are two meanings of the word “blue”?
    Adjective - feeling, sad / Adjective - the color
  • What are two meanings of the word “Plant”?
    Verb - to put seeds or flowers in the ground / Noun - a tree or flower
  • What are two meanings of the word “Shed”?
    Verb - to
  • What are two meanings of the word “Rock”?
    Noun - a stone / Noun - type of music / Verb - to sway back and forth
  • What are two meanings of the word “Swing”
    Verbs - to swing a baseball bat, swing on a swing / Noun - a swing you swing on
  • What are two meanings of the word “Bright”
    Adjective - light, sunshine / Adjective - smart
  • What are two meanings of the word “Rose”?
    Verb - to rise / Noun - the flower
  • What are two meanings of the word “Duck”?
    Verb - to lower your head / Noun - a bird
  • What are two meanings of the word “Spring”
    Nouns - a spring, the season Verbs - to spring up
  • What are two meanings of the word “bug”?
    Verb - to annoy someone / Noun - an insect
  • What are two meanings of the word “Season”?
    Verb - to add flavor to food / Noun - time of year