
Sun and Planets Game

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  • What are the planets in order from the Sun? (pg. 180)
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  • What similarities do the planets have with Earth? (pg. 180)
    They all rotate around the sun.
  • What is the solar system made of? (pg. 180)
    The star and the objects that move around the star
  • What is an orbit? (pg. 181)
    Planets' one full trip around the sun
  • What color star is the hottest? (pg. 195)
    Blue stars
  • What are characteristics of outer planets? (pg. 184)
    Mainly made of gas, larger than inner planets, solid cores deep below the layers of gases.
  • Why can we not see other stars during the daytime?(pg. 195)
    The sunlight prevents us from seeing the stars. The sunlight is so bright.
  • What is a planet? (pg. 180)
    A large body of rock or gas with a nearly round shape
  • What are the outer planets (pg. 184)
    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  • How many planets are in our solar system?
  • What are the 3 ways you can use to describe stars? (pg. 195)
    color , size, brightness
  • The sun is the ______________ in the _______________ of our solar system. (pg. 194)
    star, center
  • The sun is _______________ km away from the Earth. (pg. 194)
    150 million
  • The temperature of the sun is _________________ degrees Celsius. (pg. 194)
    15 million
  • What is the star in our solar system? (pg. 180)
  • What are some characteristics of inner planets? (pg. 182)
    They are the smallest planets. They are made of solid rocky materials. They are warmer than other planets.
  • What are the inner planets? (pg. 182)
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
  • What color star is the coolest? (pg 195)
    Red stars