
Science Vocabulary

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  • React - to respond to a stimulus
    Example: I expect my students to react to my jokes.
  • Increase - to become progressively greater, bigger
    Example: The cases of COVID are increasing.
  • Control - to have power over
    Example: The teacher controls the class.
  • Supply - the quantity or amount of something needed or available
    Example: The supply of birdseed is over.
  • Balance - equilibrium
    Gymnasts have a good sense of balance.
  • Scarce - deficient in quantity or number, not abundant, not many/much
    Example: The vaccine is still a bit scarce.
  • Decrease - to grow progressively less
    Example: Using masks decreases the risk of getting COVID-19
  • Interact - to act with one another
    Example: Quiet children don't interact much.
  • Amount - the total number or quantity
    Example: The amount of food is enough for everyone.
  • Behavior - the way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves
    Example: My students have good behavior.