
Middle Ages

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  • How do you say arrabal in English?
    Poor quarter
  • Territory owned by a nobleman who governs with total freedom in the name of King
  • People with noble titles
  • How do you say cambista in English?
  • A building in which Jewish people worship and study their religion
  • A king's vassal, of noble or ecclesiastical origin, who ruled and economically exploited a fiefdom was called...
    a feudal lord.
  • Group made up of the masters and apprentices of the same trade, which were governed by ordinances or special statutes and located in the same street or neighbourhood.
  • Tell us at least 3 new techniques and scientific and technical instruments introduced by the Arabs
    Chess, Belladona (anaesthesia), Compass, Handcart, Glazed pottery, Surgery, Dissection of corpses, Surgical instruments, Decimal numbering system, paper
  • A machine that draws water up from a well
  • Romanesque -- Structure next to the main entrance, used to announce the time for prayer or as a watchtower
    Bell tower
  • Cultivation method that leaves a third of the land fallow
    triennial rotation
  • Local leader (caudillo) from the mountainous areas in Asturias who defeated the Muslims around the year 722
  • What was the name of the heavily fortified protective strip created by the Franks along the Pyrenees?
    Marca Hispánica (Spanish March).
  • Type of clergy composed of priests and bishops who attended to the believers.
    Secular clergy
  • How do you say Iglesia in English?
  • The ceremony in which the king gave the vassal some land (fief) to govern was...
  • The type of trade that became more important, due to its increased capacity and speed, was...
    maritime trade.
  • They had arrived with the conquering army or migrated from North Africa. Many were livestock farmers and lived a humble existence
  • The sea route that transported wool, wine, leather, wood and grain was the...
    Atlantic and Baltic.
  • Romanesque -- Part located above the crossing, with openings to illuminate the interior
  • The ceremony in which the vassal knelt before the king and promised his fidelity, advice and military and economic help was...
  • The sea route that stretched from Lisbon and the Castilian ports of the Bay of Biscay to the ports of northern Europe was the...
    Atlantic and Baltic.
  • How do you say sastre in English?
  • Master artisans and small traders
    Petty bourgeoisie
  • How do you say herrero in English?
  • Peasants who worked the lord's land and had no personal freedom. They could not leave the fiefdom, get married or leave inheritance without the permission of the lord.
  • The three most popular pilgrimages in the Middle Ages were to...
    Santiago de Compostela, Jerusalem and Rome.
  • Romanessque -- Semi-circular dome divided into sections by arches
    Barrel vault
  • Rights, liberties and tax exemptions granted to the inhabitants of a town or city.
  • A devastating pandemic which caused millions of deaths throughout Europe In the middle of the 14th century,
    the Black Death.
  • State of peasants who have been placed under the protection of a nobleman in exchange for working his land
  • Tell us at least 7 new crops introduced by the Arabs
    chard, garlic, apricot, cotton, rice, saffron, eggplant, pumpkin, sugar cane, onion, asparagus, espinach, pomegranate, fig, green bearn, lemon, melon, quince,..
  • Single combat between two knights
  • The sea route that transported luxury products (silk and spices) and fabric, and weapons and tools was the...
  • What was the social role of the Church?
    Helping the poor, caring for the sick and teaching in monastery schools.
  • Monarch who finally united the kingdoms of Castile and León in 1230
    Ferdinand III
  • Meetings between the king and representatives of the nobility and clergy:
    Council and Royal Court meetings.
  • Member of a Muslim tribe that arrived on the Peninsula after the Christians captured Toledo and took control of the taifas.
  • What architectural style or styles spread through the Iberian Peninsula along the Camino?
    Romanesque and Gothic.
  • What were the most important activities for nobles?
    Training for battle, hunting and falconry
  • Hispano-Visigoth converts to Islam
  • Who were the urban patricians?
    A privileged group made up of the richest families of bankers and merchants.
  • Hispano-Visigoths who remained faithful to the Christian faith in the territory of Al-Andalus
  • Important merchants and bankers
    High bourgeoisie
  • Neighbourhood where Muslims lived.
  • Al-Andalus --> They were a minority who monopolised government positions, privileges and land
  • Where did the wealth of the bourgeoisie come from?
    From the profits generated by their businesses.
  • Peasants who owned their own land (allods) and were not legally bound to a lord. They had the right to get married, leave the fiefdom, learn a trade, etc.
    Free peasants
  • Al Andalus --> They worked in artisanship, trade, medicine or science
  • Who were the privileged estates?
    The nobility and the clergy
  • Money the king received from the bourgeoisie
  • Agricultural machine that made grinding grain easier and was powered by an inanimate force, such as wind or water
  • A hole in the ground to capture groundwater
  • How do you say "dominio o reserva señorial" in English?
  • Conflict in which knights fought in their lords' armies to defend the territory or come to the aid of the king
  • How do you say "bosques y pastos comunales" in English?
    communal forest and pastures
  • A building for Islamic religious activities and worship
  • The main repository of culture in the Middle Ages:
  • Personal relationship of dependency and loyalty established between a king and a noble
  • Romanesque art developed during the High Middle Ages in...
    western Europe.
  • Device that made it easier to plow
  • Who was Charlemagne?
    The king of franks
  • Type of clergy made up of monks and nuns dedicated to prayer. They lived in monasteries in the countryside or convents in the cities.
    Regular clergy
  • The main language of religion and culture in the Middle Ages
  • The lesser nobility who ruled part of a fief granted by a feudal lord and kept a small army were called...
  • Structure with two or three floors, where the feudal lord and his family lived and surveillance was kept
  • How do you say taberna in English?
  • Meeting between the king and representatives of the three estates of medieval society (nobility, clergy and bourgeoisie):
    Cortes or parliament.
  • Channel that carries water from the river to the fields, making use of the uneven ground
    irrigation ditch.
  • Plough that made deeper furrows and increased the soil's fertility
    Mouldboard plough
  • Neighbourhood where Jewish people lived.
    Jewish quarter
  • Document issued by the king that freed the bourgeoisie from the control of feudal lords:
    letter of privilege.
  • The long conquest of the lands in Al-Andalus by the Christian kingdoms
  • Neighbourhood outside the city where poor people lived when there was no room within the city walls.
    Poor quarter
  • How do you say hilandera in English?
  • Romanesque -- Shorter section of the Latin cross floor plan
  • Public area where merchants and traders met to negotiate their dealings.
    Market place
  • Confrontation with real weapons between groups of knights
  • Large markets held periodically in which large quantities of products were bought and sold were called...
    the great fairs.
  • Artisans, servants, people without a trade and beggars
    Ordinary people
  • External part of a mill that used the wind to power the inner machinery
  • The most famous fairs in Europe were those held in...
    Champagne (France).
  • Romanesque -- Arch used to attach the pillars to the walls
    semi-circular arch
  • In which year were the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada conquered?
  • How do you said alhóndiga in English?
    Corn exchange
  • The first major sea route passing through the ports of Venice, Genoa, Marseille, Barcelona and Valencia, and the Middle East and the Byzantine Empire was the...
  • An andalusí market
  • Member of a Muslim tribe that arrived on the peninsula in 1146 and joined the taifas to their North African empire.
  • What were the most important buildings in the Romanesque?
    Churches and monasteries.
  • How do you say alcaicería in English?
    Silk exchange
  • Irrigation system that uses a large hydraulic drive to extract water from rivers and is driven by the flow of the river itself
    water wheel
  • Artificial water reservoir for irrigation
    water tank.
  • Cities, monarchs and some local lords, who are interested in the growth of trade, enacted laws to protect...
  • What new social group emerged in cities?
    The bourgeoisie.