
Guy Fawkes Night

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  • What countries celebrate Guy Fawkes Night?
  • What is the name of the cake eaten on this day?
  • What were the two Christian religions that were fighting?
    Protestants and Catholics
  • What are some traditions of Guy Fawkes Night?
    Bonfires, parades, fireworks, food
  • What is the meaning of 'a plot' ?
    A plan
  • Who was the King at the time of this event?
    King James I
  • What was Guy Fawkes guarding when he was arrested?
  • Which English city has one of the most famous celebrations?
  • How does the famous poem start?
    Remember, remember the 5th of September
  • What is another name for Guy Fawkes Night?
    Bonfire Night
  • What day is Guy Fawkes celebrated?
    November 5