
Science 8/9 Midterm

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  • The number of subatomic particles in an atom of Br is: A) 80e, 80p, 35n B) 35e, 80p, 35n C) 35e, 35p, 35n D) 35e, 35p, 45n
  • An atom of titanium has a mass number of 48 and an atomic number of 22. A second titanium atom could have the following number of subatomic particles: A) 26 p, 22 e, 22 n B) 21 p, 21 e, 26 n C) 22 p, 22 e, 24 n D) 22 p, 26 e, 22 n
  • Nitrogen is an example of what type of pure substance? compound or element?
  • Which type of reproduction, sexual or asexual, involves 2 parents?
  • Liquid to solid
  • How many chromosomes are in diploid human cell?
  • Salt water is an example of what type of mixture? Homogenous or heterogenous?
  • What is the correct number of neutrons in an atom of Cr? A) 30 B) 54 C) 24 D) 36
  • What does the mitochondria do in a cell?
    Provides the cell with energy
  • No definite volume or shape - is this a solid, liquid, or gas?
  • What phase of mitosis is this?
  • During anaphase: A) the cytoplasm divides B) the chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell C) vitamin B is synthesized D) strands of DNA unravel
  • An adult cat's skin cells have 38 chromosomes. The diploid number of chromosomes is: A) 38 B) 76 C) 19 D) the same number of chromosomes in a cat's sperm cells
  • The melting point of gallium is what type of characteristic? A) elemental property B) chemical property C) physical property D) magnetic property
  • A nail rusting is an example of a chemical or physical change?
  • What type of vegetative propagation is this an example of?
  • True or false: when you are done with a chemical, you should immediately pour it down the sink.
  • Definite volume and shape - is this a solid, liquid, or gas?
  • What does the cytoplasm in a cell do?
    Controls materials that enter and exit the cell
  • What does this symbol represent?
    Exploding bomb or explosion hazard
  • A heterogeneous mixture has A) only one component B) at least two components which look like one substance C) at least two visible components D) a uniform distribution of a single phase
  • In which of the following cells does mitosis not take place?A) sperm B) skin C) liver D) bone
  • What is the name given to the stage of the cell cycle in which the cytoplasm divides? A) Prophase B) Interphase C) Cytokinesis D) Mitosis
  • Liquid to gas
  • Alcohol evaporates is an example of a chemical or physical change?
  • Elements in Group 18 on the periodic table are known as the A) halogens B) alkaline earth metals C) transitional metals D) noble gases
  • During meiosis, the pairing of homologous chromosomes, occurs during A) prophase I B) prophase II C) anaphase I D) anaphase II
  • Name the part of the cell that contains DNA
  • Particles move the fastest and have a lot of space between them - solid, liquid, gas?
  • Which of the following terms best represents a disease-causing organism? A.pathogen B. antigen C. antibody D. plaque
    A. Pathogen
  • Breaking glass. Physical or chemical change?
  • What is the main difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells?
    A eukaryotic cell has a nucleus, a prokaryotic cell does not
  • Asexual reproduction differs from sexual reproduction because it: A) does not use all the cells of the body B) uses only gamete cells C) does not involve an exchange of genetic material D) involves an exchange of genetic material
  • Water is an example of which type of pure substance? Element or compound?
  • Name a part of the cell that's only found in plant cells (2 possible)
    chloroplast or cell wall
  • Solid to gas
  • Sexual reproduction A) involves diploid gametes joining to form a zygote. B) produces offspring that are genetically different from both parents. C) Involves the production of gametes by mitosis
  • Milk is an example of what type of mixture? Homogenous or heterogenous?
  • Injected weakened particles to help defend against infection. What is this describing?
  • Blow drying wet hair is an example of chemical or physical change?
  • Particles are very close together and only vibrate in place - solid, liquid, gas
  • Jello is an example of what type of mixture? Homogenous or heterogenous?
  • What is required for photosynthesis? (3)
    Sun, water, carbon dioxide
  • What does this symbol represent?
    corrosive material
  • In a periodic table, vertical columns are called: A) rows B) periods C) groups D) noble gases
  • Definite volume and holds shape of container it is in - is this a solid, liquid, or gas?
  • What type of asexual reproduction is this?
  • The symbol "K" represents what element?
  • Group 1 on the periodic table (excluding hydrogen) is known as the A) alkali metals B) alkaline earth metals C) transitional metals D) noble gases
  • What kind of vegetative propagation is this?
    simple layering
  • Fertilization results in: A) a reduction division B) haploid ova C) a diploid zygote D) a monoploid zygote
  • In meiosis, cytokinesis occurs A) once B) twice C) three times D) four times
  • Gas to liquid
  • What does this symbol represent?
    Biohazardous material
  • Baking soda and vinegar make carbon dioxide. Physical or chemical change?
  • What is the correct order of mitosis (just 4 cell division phases?)
    Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  • What is the element found in the periodic table in group 4 and period 6? A) hafnium B) selenium C) gadolinium D) chromium
  • Food is digested. Is this an example of a chemical or physical change?
  • A horizontal row on the periodic table is called A) a period B) a group C) a family D) a series
  • True or false: It is okay to smell a substance as long as the teacher gives permission.
  • Oxygen is an example of what type of pure substance? Element or compound?
  • Which element is not found in group 12 of the periodic table? A) Zn B) Hg C) Ga D) Cd
    C) Ga
  • What is produced during cellular respiration? (3)
    Energy + Carbon Dioxide + Water