
History of Europe

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  • The League of Nations was created to keep ___________.
    world peace
  • Holy book of Islam
    Koran or Qu'Ran
  • The alphabet used for the writing of Slavic Languages.
  • The followers of Christianity are called ___________.
  • How did the United States and the Soviet Union compete with one another during the Cold War?
    Spreading government and economic system to other countries, nuclear weapons buld-up (arms race), putting a man in space and landindg on the moon (space race).
  • Who overthrew the Russian monarchy , head of the Bolshevik party, and brought communism to Russia?
    Vladimir Lenin
  • The systematic killing of the Jewish people
  • After WWI, a major economic crisis
    Worldwide depression
  • How did the competion between the US and Soviet union affect the Soviet Union's economy?
    Defense, weapons build up, and space race cost the country a lot of money: not enough food or goods for the people.
  • What was the Cold War about?
    The US and USSR were both worried the other would become too powerful and spread its government and economic system to other countries.
  • People who spoke out against the Nazi party were _______ or ________
    imprisoned or killed
  • The belief of only one God.
  • The followers of Islam are called ________.
  • Give four terms of the Treaty of Versailles that were put on Germany.
    Germany needed accept bleame for the war, pay $33 billion , get rid of miitary, and lose colonies and land.
  • What is prejudice against Jewish people called?
  • Give 5 reasons there was worldwide economic depression after WWI
    great loss of life, inflation, countries had to pay war debts, stock market and banks crashed.
  • A government based on the theory of Karl Marx where everyone shares the work and rewards: no social classes
  • English is from the _________ family of languages.
  • Why was the Cold War given Its name?
    Because there was no direct warfare/a war of words
  • Fastest growing religion in Europe
  • The Cold War began in _______ and ended in __________.
  • Language that uses an alphabet with Greek symbols.
  • Holy book of Judaism
  • The ___________ was the world's first communist country.
    Soviet Union
  • Which two superpowers engaged in the Cold War?
    The United States and Soviet Union
  • French, Spanish, and Italian are all from the _______ family of languages.
  • Put the following events in chronological order: A. End of the Cold War C. Treaty of Versailles B. Holocaust D. German Reunification
    C,B, D,A
  • France wanted the Treaty of Versailles to be harsh to keep ______________.
    Germany from invading France again.
  • Holy book of Christianity
  • Extreme principles of Hitler's political party
  • Ended WWI
    Treaty of Versailles
  • What was the Iron Curtain?
    The imaginary line that divided the democratic countries and the communist countries in Europe
  • Who was the leader of the Nazi party in Germany?
    Adolf Hitler
  • West Germany and West Berlin had a ___________ government.
  • Used by the Nazi party to turn the Germans against the Jews.
  • The most followed religion in Europe
  • A Mosque is a place of worship for _______.
  • Countries in which part of Europe fell under the influence of hte Communist Soviet Union after WWII?
    Eastern Europe
  • The oldest religions in Europe.
  • The purpose of the ___________________ was to keep Comunist East Berlin separated from Democratic West Berlin.
    Berlin Wall
  • Jewish place of worship
  • What happened to East and West German once the Soviet Union started allowing more personal and economic freedoms.
    Reunified into one country with Berlin as its capital.
  • During which war was the Holocaust?
  • France wanted the Treaty of Versailles to be harsh in order to keep Germany from ____________.
    invading Germany again
  • A time of hostility between the U.S. and the Soviet union.
    Cold War
  • Did the U.S. think blaming Germany for WWI was a good idea?
  • East Germany and East Berlin had ____________ governments.
  • Russians embraced communism because it would end _________ and make everyone equal.
    classes/social classes
  • When East and West Germany were united/Berlin was reunited into a single city.
    German Reunification
  • The followers of Judaism are _______.