
C1.2 GE units 16-20

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  • what does unaided mean?
    alone, without help
  • what kind of a person is a compliant one?
    the one who obeys the rules
  • describe a situation when you threw caution to the wind
    open answer
  • name 3 phrases for high prices
    cost an arm and a leg, pricey, exorbitant prices
  • which word starting with CO means to cooperate?
  • to streamline means....
    to make something more organized and efficient
  • does the word submissive have a positive or a negative meaning
  • describe 5 steps in company development
    open answer
  • explain the phrase cloud your judgement
    open answer
  • If I decide on the spur of the moment, I ...
    I decide quickly, without much thinking
  • what is disruptive technology?
    open answer
  • explain the meaning of this question: What does he bring to the table?
    what is his contribution, why is he valuable to us?
  • explain the phrase to bear grudge
    open answer
  • use ON THE CONTRARY in a sentence
    open answer
  • name 3 phrases for low price
    costs peanuts, dirt cheap, a bargain
  • if I use furthermore, I am introducing a similar or a different argument?
    a similar one
  • how do you call a decision which you carefully thought about?
    conscious / informed decision
  • if you tell somebody You can't have your cake and eat it, you mean...
    open answer
  • conscientious and diligent are synonyms. True or false?
  • If something is puzzling or bamboozling, how will I feel?
  • use NEVERTHELESS in a sentence
    open answer
  • The text I read was incomprehensible. What does this mean?
    I didn't understand anything :(