
Unit 1 Living Organisms

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  • Do plants breathe?
    No, they respire.
  • What is fertilisation?
    occurs when the pollen joins with an ovule and they make a seed. The stigma develops and forms fruit around the seed.
  • Flowering plants use ________ to reproduce.
  • List the 3 vital functions for the unit
    nutrition, respiration, reproduction
  • What do plants release as a waste product of photosynthesis?
  • ______ make their own food, but animals depend on plants and other _______ for food.
    Plants, animals
  • Plants are producers. Explain why.
    Because they produce their own food.
  • What does chlorophyll collect?
    solar energy
  • What is pollination?
    occurs when pollen from the stamen lands on the stigma of a plant. The wind, insects, and birds help transport pollen from one plant to another
  • ________ have a nervous system, but ______ do not.
    Animals, plants
  • What part of the plants absorbs water and minerals from the soil?
    The roots
  • What three waste substances do plants release (in general)?
    Plants release oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water (vapour)
  • What is photosynthesis?
    The process by which plants make their own food.
  • What do plants absorb during photosynthesis?
    carbon dioxide
  • _______ is when pollen lands on the stigma.
  • What is elaborated sap?
    plant's food - made from water, minerals, and carbon dioxide transformed in the leaves
  • _______ can move from one place to another, but ______ cannot move from one place to another.
    animals, plants
  • What do leaves absorb from the air?
    carbon dioxide
  • What do plants absorb when they respire?
  • What do plants release when they respire?
    carbon dioxide
  • Without pollination, flowering plants would not be able to __________.
  • _______ is when pollen fertilises the ovule and forms an embryo.
  • What is raw sap?
    It is the mixture of water and minerals absorbed from the soil through the roots. It travels through the stem to the leaves.
  • How do non-flowering plants produce?
    spores; they don't produce seeds