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  • More than 5.1 billion people own a mobile phone, but only 4.2 million use a toothbrush
  • The Motorola DynaTAC 8000x costed almost $1,000 and weighed 2.4 pounds.
    False! It costed $4,000
  • Modern-day smartphones have more computing power than the Apollo 11 lunar module Eagle, which was used to land on the Moon in 1969.
    True! Shocking, isn't it?!
  • In 2012, Apple reported it sold 340,000 iPhones per day.
    True!!! That’s over 14,000 per hour.
  • Android is the most widely used operating system worldwide.
  • The first smartphone was released by Android in 2008.
    False! It was the Apple iPhone in 2007.
  • The first call from a mobile phone was made on April 3, 2000
    False! It was made on 1973 by Martin Cooper, engineer of Motorola, from a mobile phone on the streets of New York.
  • The best-selling mobile phone is the iPhone 4
    False! Is the Nokia 1100. To date, there are 250 million units sold, and it is considered one of the toughest phones ever created.
  • The most expensive mobile phone in the world costs 10 million dollars
    No, it costs 95.5 million dollars. It's the Falcon Supernova Pink Diamond IPhone 6. The case is made of 18-carat gold and has a large pink diamond on its back.
  • In Finland, throwing mobile phones is a sport
    It is organised annually, since the year 2000, a world championship in throwing mobile phones. The distance record, to date, is set at 97 meters.
  • Are there already more mobile phones than people in our world?
    Yes! The number of mobiles is located close to 7,500 million, and the world is populated by 7,350 million people. Each user has about 1.5 phones on average.
  • Nokia manufactured the first portable mobile phone
    False! It was Motorola. The model was Motorola DynaTAC 8000x and it was available in 1983.
  • “Ringxiety” is used to describe the feeling of hearing the phone when it is actually not ringing
  • There is an addiction to mobile phones and it’s called nomophobia
    True! Around 200,000 million humans suffer from this phobia and as the fear of certain people who are afraid to leave their home without their mobile phones.
  • The Nokia tune is still the most recognised mobile ringtone.
  • What do you think the term “phubbing“ means?
    It describes the behaviour of a person who ignores everything around him/her due to the use of the mobile phone
  • Mobile phones have 5 times more bacteria than a public toilet.
    False. They have between 20 and 30 times more!!!
  • In 2013 it’s estimated that 3 billion text messages were sent.
    NO! It’s estimated that 9 TRILLION text messages were sent!!!
  • We check our mobile phone about 60 times a day on average
    No! We check it about 150 times on a day.