
St. Patrick's Day fun facts

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  • The harp is the national symbol of Ireland.
    What's our national symbol?
  • Legend says that if you catch a leprechaun, he's forced to tell you where he hid his gold.
    WHERE IS IT???
  • St. Patrick's Day was not a national holiday in Ireland until 1903.
    I wonder why?
  • 1962 was the first time Chicago dyed their river in honor of St. Patrick's day
    What a sight!
  • Shamrock shakes are very popular in March
    Do you like shamrock shakes?
  • The legend says that each leaf of a 4 leaf clover has a meaning: faith, hope, love, and luck
    We all need faith, hope, love, and luck
  • Shamrocks are the national flower of Ireland
    What's our national flower?
  • The first St. Patrick's Day celebration in the US was in 1737.
    Wow! That's a LONG time ago!
  • Chicago uses 40 tons of dye to get the river to turn green
    How much would it take to dye the Mississippi River?
  • Stories of leprechauns come from Celtic folklore.
    Have you ever caught a leprechaun?
  • The St. Patrick's Day parade in New York City is the largest in the US
    The parade is almost 6 hours long with 100,000 people in the parade. Almost 2 million people come to watch it.
  • Your odds of finding a four leaf clover are 1 in 10,000!
    Good luck finding one!
  • 14 is the highest number of leaves found on a clover.
    Wowza! That's A LOT of leaves!
  • The color used to dye the Chicago river is Kelly Green
    So pretty!
  • Corned beef and cabbage is not actually an Irish meal
    That's what Irish immigrants used to celebrate St. Patrick's Day when they came to America because it was less expensive.
  • There are 34.7 million US residents with Irish ancestry (more than 7 times the number of people who live in Ireland)
    LOTS of Irish immigrants came to America
  • The real St. Patrick wasn't Irish
    True! He was born in Britain (England).
  • One Irish tradition is to pinch someone who isn't wearing green on St. Patty's Day.
  • Every year the US produces 26.1 billion pounds of beef and 2.3 billion pounds of cabbageg.
    Do you like cabbage?
  • Corned beef and cabbage doesn't actually have corn in it.
    It doesn't - it's meat and cabbage.
  • Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle because of it's lush green fields and rolling hills.
    It's breathtaking!
  • The dye in the Chicago river lasts 4-5 hours.
    I was wondering....
  • The world's shortest St. Patrick's day parade is in an Irish village and it's only 100 yards long.
    That's not very long!
  • The average American spends $38 on St. Patrick's Day goodies.
    How much did you spend?
  • The color of St. Patrick's Day was originally blue.
    Who would've thought that???