
Bible Lesson 23

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  • 5.  According to Jesus Christ, what is true happiness?
    hungry for righteousness, weeping and mourning over sin, being mocked and cursed for believing the truth 
  • 9.  True or False: Our commission today is the same as Jesus gave his disciples.
  • 10. What did Jesus, His Father, and Holy Spirit had formulated ages before?
    Plan of Salvation
  • 6.  What story ended the sermon on the Mount?
    The story of a foolish man and a wise man who build their house
  • 4. True or False:It is possible to destroy a person's spirit without ever harming the physical body.
  • 1.  What happen to Jesus after He had live a perfect life here on earth. on
    died for the sins of humanity
  • 7. According to the disciples what was Jesus main focus?
    to love
  • 8.  Jesus said that the Roman Catholic official’s faith is stronger than the ____?
  • 3. What did Jesus say about the people of the earth?
    They are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
  • 2.  Name the the 12 disciples of Jesus.
    Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, Philip, Matthew, James the son of Alpheus, Thaddeus, Judas, Simon, and Bartholomew