
Perspective Taking

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  • A student flops on the floor in frustration while also yelling. What could they be thinking? Feeling?
    Thinking: Discuss (various answers), Feeling: Upset, overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated, uncomfortable
  • Your friend is sitting with their head down on the desk. What do you think they could be feeling?
    Tired, Sad, Bored, Sick
  • How is he feeling?
    Excited, Elated, Happy, Goofy
  • Someone says Hello to you, but you are feeling grumpy and annoyed. What is a KIND and UNKIND way to respond to the person?
    Kind: Say Hello Back; Unkind: Ignore, give an annoyed look at the person.
  • What is he feeling?
    Confused, annoyed, upset
  • A friend dropped their I-Pad and take home folder in the hallway, spilling the contents everywhere. What is a KIND way to respond? What is an UNKIND way to respond?
    Kind: Help pick up, ask if they are okay; Unkind: Walk by and ignore, laugh at your friend.
  • Your friend did not make the High School Soccer Team after having practiced for weeks. What is he thinking? What is he feeling?
    Thinking: discuss as a group (various answers); Feeling: Disappointed, Embarrassed, Sad, Hurt, Upset
  • A friend dropped their I-Pad and take home folder in the hallway, spilling the contents everywhere. What are they thinking? What are they feeling?
    Thinking: Discuss as a group (various responses); Feeling: Embarrassed, Annoyed, Frustrated, Sad.
  • Your friend is sitting with their head down on the desk. What is a KIND way to respond to them?
    Ask them how they are feeling. Ask if they are okay.
  • A student does not understand the question that the teacher asked. What could they do?
    Say "can you repeat the question" or raise their hand to ask for help.