
Stuttering Facts

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  • Who are some famous people who stutter?
    Shaquille O'Neal, Ed Sheeran, Darth Vader, Tiger Woods, Kendrick Lamar
  • Does stuttering run in the family?
    Stuttering is a genetically-influenced condition: most of the time, if there is one person in a family who stutters, there will be another person in the family
  • What are some types of stuttering?
    Blocks, Prolongations, Repetitions
  • Why do people stutter?
    Stuttering is associated with differences in the brain. Neurological disorder
  • Do people stutter the same all the time?
    Stuttering also varies across situations: sometimes people stutter a lot, and sometimes they stutter a little.
  • How many people in the world stutter?
    about 70 million (3 million in US)
  • Is stuttering more common in boys or girls?
  • What is stuttering?
    Stuttering is a speech disorder that causes the flow of speech to be broken. It involves disruptions, or “disfluencies,” in a person’s speech.