
Staying tobacco free 7th

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  • ______ ______, prevents further damage to the body and will improve a person’s overall health.
    Quitting tobacco, or avoiding tobacco
  • Mention one association that sponsors programs to help users quit smoking.
    American Cancer Society, American Lung Association or American Heart Association
  • They include nicotine gums, lozenges, and patches worn on the skin.
    Nicotine Replacement Therapies
  • When saying "no", speak in a _____ _____,with your head and shoulders up. This will tell others that you mean what you say.
    Firm voice
  • In this method, the user simply stops all use of the tobacco products.
    Cold turkey
  • These are products to assist a person in breaking a tobacco habit their initials are NRT
    Nicotine Replacement Therapies
  • Some of the damage done by smoking can never be ______.
  • Is one way of saying "no" to tobacco: "I can’t afford to blow all my _____ on tobacco"
  • Is one way of saying "no" to tobacco: "I hate the _____ of smoke"
  • Practice saying “no” in an ______ style, that shows you are serious, but also shows that you are respectful with others.
  • When faced with real-life pressures, _____ ______ can help you say no effectively.
    Refusal skills
  • Is one way of saying "no" to tobacco: "My grandfather had ______. I don’t want to go through what he did!"
    Cancer or emphysema or lung cancer or a stroke