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  • What is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth’s crust?
  • We live in the United States of America which is on the continent of North America. We share this content with two other countries. What two countries are they?
    Mexico and Canada
  • 10 squirrels were sitting on a branch, 1 ran down and three ran to a nest, how many squirrels were left?
  • What is a hole in your tooth called?
    a cavity
  • Lures, reels, rods, hooks, baits and nets are common equipment used in what food gathering method?
  • Milk, cheese, and yogurt are in which food group? Meat, Bread, or Dairy?
  • What is the contraction for will not?
  • How many wings does a bee have? 2 or 4
    4 (2 sets)
  • What was the first planet to be discovered using the telescope? Venus or Uranus?
  • How fast can a roadrunner run? 40mph, 55mph, or 20mph
  • You make me when it gets really cold. I am made of three balls, what am I?
    A Snowman
  • what are the next three numbers in this sequence? 10,20,30, ___,____,_____
  • What tells you what is in a book, in order by section or chapter?
    Table of Contents
  • True or false. Ice sinks in water?
  • True or false. People are mammals?
  • In which year did the Titanic sink?
  • What animal is considered to be the symbol of America?
    Bald Eagle
  • Horton Finish this sentence. One fish two fish, red fish, _______
    Blue Fish
  • I live and swim in the ocean. I have whiskers what am I?
    A Catfish
  • Which was the first country to use paper money? China or USA?
  • What are the names of the cat in the hats helpers?
    Thing One and Thing Two
  • What color are kiwis on the inside?
  • A male chimpanzee weights 150 lbs. how much do 2 male chimpanzees weigh?
  • Finish the sentence. A lanscape is a picture of a _____________
  • What candy has this slogan? Taste the rainbow.
  • Precipitation that falls in form of balls of ice is called what?
  • What candy has this slogan? Melts in your mouth not in your hand?
  • This kind of transportation takes only a few people high in the air in a basket.
    Hot Air Balloon
  • How many teeth does an adult human have? 32, 30, 40, or 34
    32 Chomp Chomp
  • The death of every member of a particular species is known as what?
  • What is a synonym for the word smart?
    Clever, intelligent, wise, bright, brilliant...
  • Finish the sentence. A portrait is a picture of a _____________
  • What colors do you get when you mix red and yellow?
  • Which ancient people built pyramids?
    the Egyptians
  • How many elements are in the periodic table? 120, 100, or 118
  • Red, yellow, and blue are colors that cannot be made by mixing other colors together, what is the name for these colors.
  • How many breaths does the average human take in a day? 23,000, 10,000, or 50,000
  • From what platform do students catch the Hogwarts Express?
  • What are animals that eat both meat and plants called?
  • How old was Harry Potter when he got his lightening bolt scar?
    15 months old
  • What fruit is not grown on a tree? Lemons, apples, strawberries, or bananas?
  • What is the bottom number of a fraction called?
  • John brought 44 cookies to school for his birthday, there are 22 kids in johns class. How many cookies will each kid get?
  • How long does it take the earth to rotate around the sun?
    1 year or 365 days
  • True or False? Magnets are attracted to all metals?
  • What month has the least amount of days?
  • Rhyme this word. River
  • Which planet has the most gravity? Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Earth
  • Name three of the four things an animal needs to survive
    air, water, food, shelter
  • When is Harry Potter's birthday?
    July 31st
  • What continent do we live on?
    North America
  • What month is Thanksgiving in?
  • Which part of a plant absorbs light which provides nutrients for the plant?
    The leaves
  • What month is independence day in?
  • Rhyme this word. Griddle
  • In math what do we call the solution to an addition problem?
    the sum
  • In 1985, the NES was the first revolutionary video game system sold by this company, who also is the creator of the Wii, and the switch.
  • What is the verb in the following sentence? My mother walks me to school every morning.