
TTU8L5 passive voice

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  • The sun and moon's combined pull on the Earth causes ocean tidess.
    Ocean tides are caused by the sun and moon s combined pull on the Earth.
  • They closed the beach because of the flood.
    The beach was closed because of the flood.
  • People take a stand for the environment.
    A stand is taken for the environment.
  • Global warming increases the temperatures.
    The temperatures are increased by global warming.
  • They forbid swimming in the polluted lake.
    Swimming is forbidden in the polluted lake.
  • In March 2011. the Tohoku earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan created 40 metre (131 feet) high tsunami waves.
    40 metres high Tsunami waves were created by the Tohoku earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan in March 2011
  • Yesterday, in our town, people recycled rubbish.
    Rubish was recycled in our town yesterday.
  • In order to help the environment, people buy local products.
    Local products are bought in order to help the environment.
  • People cut down trees.
    Trees are cut down.
  • The Tsunamis killed over 200.000 people in 14 countries.
    Over 200.000 people in 14 countries were killed by these tsunamis.
  • Lightning usually starts natural forest fires.
    Natural forest fires are usually started by lightning.
  • Large lumps called plates make up the Earth’s crust.
    The Earth's crust is made up of large lumps called plates.
  • Earthquakes cause a lot of damage.
    A lot of damage is caused by earthquakes.
  • The 2004 earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra. Indonesia, triggered a series of tsunamis.
    A series of Tsunamis were triggered by the 2004 earthquake that occurred in the Indian ocean near Sumatra.
  • The great Mississippi River Flood of 1993 damaged more than 50.000 homes.
    More than 50.000 homes were damaged by the Mississippi flood in 1993.
  • Warm ocean water provides energy for the hurricane.
    Energy for the hurricane is provided by warm ocean water.
  • Scientists discovered global warming.
    Global warming was discovered by scientists.
  • People saw down trees.
    Trees are sawn down.
  • Two plates crashing together sometimes cause volcanic eruptions.
    Volcanic eruptions are sometimes caused by two plates crashing together.
  • A natural disaster called Chelsea did a lot of damage.
    Great damage was done by a natural disaster called Chelsea.