
Illness, sickness, ailments - vocabulary

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  • What's the ailment?
    a broken arm
  • What's the ailment?
    a toothache
  • What's the ailment?
    a black eye
  • What's the ailment?
    an insect bite
  • What's the ailment?
    a temperature
  • What's the ailment?
    a runny nose
  • What's the ailment?
    a backache
  • What's the ailment?
    low/high blood pressure
  • What's the ailment?
    a bruise
  • What's the ailment?
    a headache
  • What's the ailment?
    a cut finger
  • What's the ailment?
    a sunburn
  • What's the ailment?
    a rash
  • What's the ailment?
    a cold
  • What's the ailment?
    a cough
  • What's the ailment?
    a stomach ache
  • What's the ailment?
    a sore throat
  • What's the ailment?
    a blister
  • What's the ailment?
    an earache