
Make a question for this answer

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  • I do my homework in the kitchen.
    Where do you do your homework?
  • Ivan is 30.
    How old is Ivan?
  • Because I am happy.
    Why are you (smiling)?
  • I live in a circus.
    Where do you live?
  • Because I am happy.
    Why are you (smiling)?
  • My dad is 35 years old.
    How old is your dad?
  • I get up at half past seven.
    What time do you get up?
  • My teacher is Esther.
    Who is your teacher?
  • Becasue I am sad.
    Why are you (crying)?
  • There are 4 people dancing.
    How many people are dancing?
  • I'm tired.
    How are you?
  • My dad is 35 years old.
    How old is your dad?
  • I am 10 years old.
    How old are you?
  • My birthday is 13th March.
    When is your birthday?
  • My name is Alex.
    What's your name?
  • I practise at five o'clock everyday.
    What time do you practise?
  • Rose is shouting.
    What is Rose doing?
  • Jim is at the supermarket.
    Where is Jim?
  • They wok in a circus.
    Where do they work?
  • I am skipping.
    What are you doing?
  • They are Lily, Pablo and Marc.
    Who are they?