

  •   0%
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  • I try to less smoking.
    I try to smoke less.
  • When I see something in an attraction price, I buy it.
    When I see something in an/a attractive / good / bargain price, I buy it.
  • They asked me a lot of ..................... (niezręcznych) questions.
  • I wonder how many food is wasted in the average family.
    I wonder how much food is wasted in the average family.
  • Let the majority decides.
    Let the majority decide.
  • It takes a lot of time for plastic to ...................... (rozłożyć się).
  • Ten people was invited to the survey.
    Ten people were invited to the survey.
  • After a long discussion we reached a ................... (jednogłośną) decision on the proposal.
  • I'm going to don't drink alcochol.
    I'm going not to drink alcochol.
  • Are you agree?
    Do you agree?
  • I learn my kids not to waste money.
    I teach my kids not to waste money.
  • The weather has been very ................... (zmienna) recently.