
Card to go with Snakes and Ladders

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  • Tell a joke
    Who’s there? Cow says. Cow says who? No, a cow says mooooo!
  • Take three deep breaths
    breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth
  • Ask a friend "What is your favorite type of weather?"
    Sunny, warm, rainy, snowy, cold....
  • Ask a friend "What is your favorite sesaon?"
    Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
  • Ask a friend "What is your favorite color?"
    red, blue, purple, yellow, green....
  • Spin around three times
    don't get dizzy
  • Tell a joke
    Why did the turkey cross the road? Because it was the chickens day off
  • Play Simon Says with your friends
    Simon Says touch your knees, touch your head, touch your shoulders
  • Tell a joke
    What falls in the winter but doesn't get hurt? Snow
  • Name three things to describe yourself
    tall, wears glasses, smart, funny, friendly, good brother, artist, good at sports, short hair
  • Ask a friend "What is your favorite game to play?"
    Candyland, Jenga, UNO, Memory
  • Act out a sport and let your friends guess what you are doing
  • Name three things you like to do on the weekend or vacation time
    sleep late, watch movies, play outside, cook with mom or grandma
  • Jump up and down five times
    Nice job
  • Pretend you are playing a musical instrument and let your friends guess what you are playing
    drums, piano, trumpet, guitar
  • Tell a joke
    Who’s there? Woo. Woo who? Glad you’re excited, too!
  • Act out a feeling and let your friends guess what you are feeling
    happy, frustrated, sad, excited, mad, sleepy
  • Name three things you are good at doing
    making people smile, reading, math, being friendly, art, sports, dancing, doing my jobs
  • Name three snacks that you like to eat at home
    chips, cookies, fruit, veggies, pizza
  • Ask a friend "What is your favorite type of cookie?"
    chocolate chip, black and white, oatmeal
  • Name three games/activities that you can play/do with friends or family
    tic tac toe, UNO, I Spy, have a dance party, cook, play a board game, Guess the picture, Hangman