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  • How long did the plague of darkness last?
    3 days
  • Where did they put Moses' box?
    Nile River
  • Who is Moshe's brother?
  • What was the first plague?
    The first plague was the Blood Plague
  • Who are the four sons in the Passover Hagada?
    Wise, innocent, wicked and the one who does not know how to ask
  • What do you burn before the holiday?
  • What is the name of the king who reigned in Egypt?
  • Why did the 10 plagues happen?
    Because Pharaoh refuses to free the children of Israel from slavery
  • Why does Passover called Passover?
    In order to protect their first-born children, the Israelites marked their doors with lamb's blood so the angel of death would pass over them.
  • What do you read on Seder night?
    Passover Hagada
  • What does Passover indicate?
    Passover marks the exodus of the children of Israel from the labs of Egypt
  • Who found Moses' box?
    Daughter of Pharaoh
  • In which Hebrew month Passover falls
  • In what season does Passover take place?
  • Whose bones did Moses bring out of Egypt?
    Yosef's bones
  • Who is Moshe's sister?
  • What was the last plague?
    The last plague was the Death of firstborn
  • What plagues struck Aaron and not Moses?
    Blood, frog and lice