
Proper Use of Internet for Young Students

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  • Can we play games on the Internet?
  • What happens if a virus infects your computer?
    - Open answer -
  • Can we take online classes using the Internet?
  • What does the password do for our information?
    It protects it.
  • What characters should your password contain to make it strong?
    Letter, numbers, symbols
  • If you receive a message saying that you've won a flying unicorn that spits rainbows, what should you do?
    Don't trust it and tell your parents!
  • Can we chat with friends who are far using the Internet?
  • Do you have to share information online with strangers?
  • What do you have to do to prevent forgetting your password?
    Write it down and don't make it too difficult for you to remember.
  • Can we watch videos or movies on the Internet?
  • Can you share information online about other people without their permission?
  • What can you do to prevent that people steal your password?
    Covering it and making it difficult for others to guess it.
  • If a stranger asks you to share information with them, what do you do?
    Don't share it and tell my parents or a trusted adult.
  • What is the Internet?
    Computers from all over the world that are connected.
  • Can we share files using the Internet?
  • What do you have to do if someone online makes you feel bad?
    Tell my parents or a trusted adult.
  • Can we do homework using the Internet?