
Word Order

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  • Right or wrong: I have usually a shower in the morning
    Wrong: I usually have a shower in the morning
  • Right or wrong: Everybody enjoyed the party very much
  • Right or wrong: I ate quickly my breakfast and went out
    Wrong: I ate my breakfast quickly and went out
  • Right or wrong: She always says she'll phone me, but she never does
  • Right or wrong: Did you go late to bed last night?
    Wrong: Did you go to bed late last night?
  • Right or wrong: Are you going to invite to the party a lot of people?
    Wrong: Are you going to invite a lot of people to the party?
  • Right or wrong: I did some shopping and I went also to the bank
    Wrong: I did some shopping and I also went to the bank
  • Right or wrong: I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner
  • Right or wrong: We soon found the solution to the problem
  • Right or wrong: Joe doesn't like very much football
    Wrong: Joe doesn't like football very much
  • Right or wrong: Did you learn a lot of things at school today?
  • Right or wrong: Everybody enjoyed the party very much
  • Right or wrong: Jane has always to hurry in the morning
    Wrong: Jane always has to hurry in the morning
  • Right or wrong: Steve gets hardly ever angry
    Wrong: Steve hardly ever gets angry
  • Right or wrong: Helen drives always to work
    Wrong: Helen always drives to work
  • Right or wrong: I phoned Tom immediately after hearing the news
  • Right or wrong: I met on my way home a friend of mine
    Wrong: I met a friend of mine on my way home
  • Right or wrong: I drink three or four cups of cooffee every morning
  • Right or wrong: Ben walks every morning to work
    Wrong: Ben walk to work every morning
  • Right or wrong: We all were tired, so we all fell asleep
    Wrong: We were all tired, so we all fell asleep