
Age of Revolutions Review

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  • Give one reason that influenced the French Revolution
    1) Enlightenment ideas of liberty 2) France had no money from helping the American Revolution 3) American independence led to the French wanting democracy
  • What happened to Charles I at the end of the English Civil War?
    He was beheaded on the charges of treason. 
  • Which enlightenment thinker defended the absolute monarch?
  • Who wrote the novel "Don Quixote"?
    Miguel de Cervantes
  • Which individual fought in both the American and French Revolution?
    Marquis de Lafayette
  • Which monarchs ruled at the beginning of the French Revolution?
    Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI
  • List the leaders of England in correct order; starting with Charles I and ending in the Glorious Revolution. 
    Charles I > Oliver Cromwell > Charles II > William and Mary 
  • 3rd Estate represented who:
  • Which estate was the most unhappy in French society?
    3rd Estate
  • Who controlled France and wanted to take over all of Europe?
  • How did the 1st and 2nd Estates always support one another?
    Voting together
  • Which scientist understood the circulation of the blood and heart's function?
    William Harvey
  • How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?
    French aide was too grand and proved people could change governments
  • Which estate was taxed the most leading to the French Revolution
    3rd Estate
  • Louis XIV built this palace to show the wealth and power of France. What is it called?
    Palace of Versailles
  • Who led the Parliamentaries during the English Civil War?
    Oliver Cromwell
  • Describe the heliocentric theory AND who discovered this theory. 
    Sun-centered universe; Nicolaus Copernicus. 
  • Which composer is from the Baroque period?
    Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Which absolute monarch westernized/Europeanized Russia?
    Peter I/Peter the Great
  • Wollstonecraft influenced what movement in the US during the 1900s?
    Women's Suffrage
  • Which event directly started the French Revolution?
    Storming of the Bastille 
  • What event started the French Revolution?
    Storming the Bastille
  • Why was Charles I's wife a threat to England?
    She was Catholic and raised a Catholic son
  • How was Russia changed under Peter the Great?
  • Isaac Newton influenced our understanding of the world, how?
    First to understand gravity
  • Where was the capital of Russia moved under Tsar Peter I?
    St. Petersburg
  • Describe an absolute monarch.
    A king who controls everything of the country.
  • Time period where fear was the policy used to govern?
    Reign of Terror
  • Rousseau wanted what form of government?
    Direct Democracy
  • 1st Estate represented who:
  • Why was Louis the Great nicknamed the Sun King?
    He believed France could not survive without him
  • XIV
  • XVI =
  • Name two absolute rulers.
    Peter I, Louis XIV, Henry VIII, Charles I, Louis XIV
  • Inalienable rights?
    Life, Liberty, Property
  • Put the monarchs in order: Charles I, Charles II, Cromwell, William and Mary, James II
    Charles I, Cromwell, Charles II, James II, William and Mary
  • 2nd Estate represented who:
  • Who was king over England during the English Civil War?
    Charles I
  • How does the Palace of Versailles signal wealth and power?
    Showed French money and that King could build anything he wanted
  • Why is the Glorious Revolution, 'glorious'?
    No bloodshed to change government
  • How did the telescope help to revolutionize our view on the universe?
    It proved Copernicus was correct with his heliocentric theory
  • Which composer is from the Classical period?
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • What were the nicknames of the Parliamentaries and Royalists during the English Civil War?
    P = Roundheads; R = Cavaliers
  • Why did the people not like Marie Antoinette?
    Lavish lifestyle flaunted and no heir
  • Why did the people dislike Marie Antoinette?
    She was oblivious to their suffering, she spent all of France's money, she did not produce an heir.