
Zakah and Jumuah Review

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  • How much should I multiply by, and what is the amount of the Zakah?
    2.5% (or 0.025) and the amount is $1000
  • What is this image explaining?
    The amount of our wealth we must give each year for Zakah
  • Fill in the Blank, Which Surah?
    Surah Al-Kahf
  • What is the name of this Masjid?
    Masjid Nabawi (Prophet's Masjid in Madinah) sallaAllahu alayhi was'sallam
  • What should it say in this Hadith?
    Take a shower or Ghusl.
  • What is the man doing, and why?
    Apply i'tr or perfume, for Salaatul Jumuah