
Not Rubbish

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  • Name one thing that we can reuse and what we can use it for.
  • Talk about an environmental problem for 30 seconds
  • Unscramble this sentence (Are they talking about recycling, reusing or reducing): before / I / rubbish / wash / it. / plastic / recycling
    I wash plastic rubbish before recycling it. (Recycling)
  • Which of these is not biodegradable? an apple core / paper / a banana skin / a battery.
    a battery
  • Name 5 things that can be recycled
    glass jars, old newspapers, drink cans, plastic bottles, cardboard...
  • What are these? What did they used to be?
    They used to be cans of food but now they are candle holders
  • Name two things that we can do to reduce air pollution
    Walk more, use public transport, plant more trees...
  • What is carpooling and how does it safe the environment?
    Sharing a journey in a car with someone. It reduces air pollution.
  • Choose the best option: One plastic bag can take 1,000 years to....? cut down / break down / break up / run out
    break down
  • Name three things that you can do to protect the environment
    Recycle, don't waste food, use public transport, don't buy things with too much packaging...
  • Unscramble this sentence (Are they talking about recycling, reusing or reducing): plastic / I / use / bags / shopping. / old / for
    I use old plastic bags for shopping. (Reusing)
  • What is the name of the huge area of floating plastic rubbish in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?
    The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Why do turtles sometimes eat plastic bags?
    Because they think they are jellyfish
  • Can you unscramble this sentence? fossil / because / use / too / We / out. / many / shouldn't / they / will / fuels / run
    We shouldn't use too many fossil fuels because they will run out.
  • What are the three R's?
    Recycle, Reuse, Reduce
  • Name one thing we can reuse and what we can use it for.
  • How could you reuse these plastic bottles?
    Turn them into pencil cases, flower pots, etc
  • Unscramble this sentence (Are they talking about recycling, reusing or reducing): packaging. / of / I / items / lots / buy / with / don't
    I don't buy items with lots of packaging. (Reducing)
  • What is the name of the gases that are produced from burning fossil fuels and cause the planet to get warmer?
    Greenhouse gases
  • Talk about an environmental problem for 30 seconds