
used to

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  • you - use a pacifier (question)
    Did you use to use a pacifier?
  • she - be afraid of clowns (affirmative)
    She used to be afraid of clowns
  • we - go to school every day (affirmative)
    We used to go to school everyday, now we usually have online classes
  • we - not wash our hands so often (negative)
    We didn't use to wash our hand so often, now we do (OR SHOULD).
  • he - suck his thumb (affirmative)
    He used to suck his thumb when he was younger
  • they - not get good grades (negative)
    They didn't use to get good grades
  • we - have online classes (negative)
    We didn't use to have online classes
  • we - not have to wear masks (negative)
    We didn't use to have to wear masks, now we do.
  • you - play outside (question)
    Did you use to play outside?
  • we - hang out with friends (affirmative)
    We used to hang out with our friends