
Outdoor Safety

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  • Which insects are attracted to the smell of perfumes and lotions?
    Bees and wasps.
  • What should you do if you touch poison ivy?
    Wash skin and clothes well, use antihistamine for itching.
  • Sunblock should be at least SPF 30 and should be applied how often?
    Every two hours, but wait 20 minutes before going in the water.
  • True or False? If someone is suffering from heat stroke, you should call 911.
    True! Get them out of the heat, cool the skin with cool water and call 911.
  • How many leaves are on each stem of a poison ivy plant?
  • Is it ever okay to leave a person or pet in a hot car?
    No! You should never leave anyone in the car on a hot day!
  • True or False? Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are both caused by spending too much time in high temperatures.
  • True or False? When you are dehydrated, you begin to feel sick.
  • I can protect myself from insect bites by applying_______.
    insect repellent
  • Name 3 symptoms of heat exhaustion.
    Sweating. headache, cramps, pale skin, vomiting, etc.
  • List 3 ways to protect yourself from the sun.
    Stay in between 10am and 3pm, sunblock, glasses, hat, SPF clothing.
  • True or False? Using sunblock can prevent attacks from Godzilla.
    False, Godzilla's not real! But sunblock can help prevent skin cancer!
  • Which illness is more serious, heat exhaustion or heat stroke?
    Heat stroke is more serious.
  • List 3 pool safety rules.
    Learn to swim, no diving in shallow water, never swim alone, swim in supervised areas.
  • Name 4 body parts where people forget to apply sunblock.
    Feet, hands, ears and nose.
  • Can insect bites become infected?
    Yes! Keep them clean and try not to scratch!
  • True or False? If a tick bites you, remove it with tweezers.
    True. Then wash the area with soap and water.
  • Name two things you can do to stay hydrated.
    Drink plenty of liquids, eat snacks with high water content.
  • What should you do if you have symptoms of heat exhaustion?
    Shady area, fan, air conditioning, drink cool water
  • Name 3 symptoms of heat stroke.
    103 degree temp, red skin, no sweating, seizure, nausea
  • What is it called when our bodies lose too much water?
  • True or False? Sunburn causes damage to your skin.
    True. Skin gets red, hot to the touch and may blister and peel.
  • Should you remove a bee's stinger from your skin by squeezing or scraping?
    Scrape it off with a fingernail or credit card, then wash the area with soap and water.
  • Can high waves and strong currents in the ocean be dangerous?
    Yes! Only swim when there is a lifeguard on duty!