
P6 Types of Disability and facilities for them

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  • To cross the road, the visually impaired can use ______ _____ _______.
    auditory traffic signals
  • What part of speech is impairment?
  • Name two things the visually impaired people can use to help them move the MTR stations.
    cane(s), guide dog(s), tactile guide paths. buzzers
  • What is another two words for "artificial limbs:?
    prosthetic limbs
  • When the actor fell off his horse, the doctor said he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. His situation was _________.
  • When your arm is in a cast, it is difficult to write but it is only _____-_____, it won't last forever.
  • What type of language do deaf people use to communicate with?
    sign language
  • When I broke my arm, the doctor told me I would have to put it __ _ ____ for six weeks
    in a cast
  • Some people cannot see well enough to walk down the street, but they can still see shapes and colours. These people are ________ ________.
    visually impaired
  • What device can deaf people use to improve their hearing?
    hearing aids
  • Disabilities fall into two big categories. One is about our bodies and the other one has something to do with our brains. They are called ________ and ______.
    physical and mental
  • What do you call somebody who cannot speak?
    the mute
  • A condition which you are born with is called a __________ condition. name and spell it.
  • Name two things that the wheelchair users can use at the MTR stations to help them move around freely.
    portable planks/ramps, stair lifts, elevators/lifts
  • Name two of Kodi Lee's conditions
    Blind and autistic
  • Johnny broke his leg and had to use crutches to get around school. He found it very ____________(unscramble: onincentveni).
  • What can the visually impaired use to help walk down the street?
    a cane, a seeing eye dog/a guide dog
  • What's wrong with the following sentence? The wheelchair users can use the disabled toilets.
    he disabled toilets - (the) toilet for the disabled
  • How many limbs does a person have?
    4 - 2 arms and 2 legs
  • What is the name of the written language that blind people use to read?