
Grade 3 Book 1 Story 03

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  • VERB - Tackling a problem. 'While she was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her homework, Tiffany heard that school was cancelled.
  • VERB - To use or go to for help. 'Lucy didn't want to _ _ _ _ _ _ to asking for directions.'; NOUN - A place where people go for fun and relaxation. 'Joseph wasn't sure if he could afford that _ _ _ _ _ _ in the Bahamas.'
  • ADJECTIVE - Satisfied, happy. 'The tables at the party were filled with food, but she was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with just a snack.'
  • NOUN - A small area or district in a town or city where people live. 'Justine and Horatio were surprised to learn that they both lived in the same _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .'
  • Why did the chicken cross the road?
    ... ... ... ... ??? :p :D ;) hahaha hehehe ??????