
Adverbs and Adjectives

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  • Find the Adverb and Adjective (My father always walks our fat cat at the park.)
    Adverb: always/ Adjective: fat
  • Find the Adverb and Adjective (Michael walks quickly to his huge school building)
    Adverb-quickly/ Adjective-huge
  • Find the Adverb and Adjective (My brother seldom made funny calls to his school).
    Adverb: Seldom/ Adjective: Funny
  • Find the Adverb and Adjective (He left outside the colourful building)
    Adverb: Outside/ Adjective: Colourful
  • Find the Adverb and Adjective ( He nearly ate poisonous berries).
    Adverb: nearly/ Adjective: Poisonous
  • Find the Adverb and Adjective (He would wait here every stormy night)
    Adverb: here/ Adjective: stormy
  • Find the Adverb and Adjective (Mary said she would wait patiently near the beautiful mall.)
    Adverb-Patiently, Adjective- beautiful
  • Find the Adverb and Adjective (Yesterday he went to the adventurous skate ring.)
    Adverb: Yesterday/ Adjective: adventurous