
Ambiguous Language

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  • You get to class late after a dentist appointment. Your friend asks how the dentist was and you say, "It was the dentist. It was the greatest thrill of my life."
    Sarcasm - it was boring
  • When dad gets home, he notices that someone has left the door open. He says, "do we live in a barn?"
    He thinks the door should be closed.
  • Your dad is picking up all the trash around the house for garbage day tomorrow and says, "I just love trash day. Picking up the trash is my favorite"
    He does not like picking up the garbage
  • You are playing on the iPad and your sister keeps looking over at you. She mentions, "wow, it's been a while since I've played that game. I forgot how fun it is"
    she wants a turn
  • You are picking a movie to watch with your family tonight. You are deciding between a comedy and an action movie. Mom says, "I could sure use a laugh tonight"
    she wants to watch a comedy
  • Your dad is picking up all the trash around the house for garbage day tomorrow and says "I just love doing this all by myself"
    he wants help
  • You are at basketball practice and the coach asks you to run laps. Your friend says, "Gee I just love all this running"
    they don't really like running
  • You are trying to hang out with your older brother and his friends and he says "don't you have some homework to do?"
    he wants you to go away and leave him/his friends alone
  • You see your friend looking grumpy in the hallway. When you ask her how she is, she says "Aren't Mondays the greatest?"
    Mondays can be hard
  • You are running out of the house because you are late and mom says, "Wow, where is the fire."
    you are running really fast
  • It's been really cold where you live lately. You ask mom what the weather will be like next week and she says "I don't think there are many beach days in the future next week"
    it will still be cold next week
  • You see your friend get off the school bus this morning. You notice she has a big smile on her face. You say, "Aren't you a ray of sunshine"
    she looks happy
  • You are eating healthy with your friends. You open up your lunch and see it's another salad. You say to your friends, "I think if I eat another salad I will turn green."
    You are sick of eating salad.
  • Your sister asks mom what's for dinner and mom says "Brussels sprouts and liver." Your sister rolls her eyes and says "I think I'll order pizza"
    your sister is not excited about dinner and doesn't think it sounds good.
  • Your mom has lots of pretty flowers and plants in her garden. You notice that she takes great care of them and they look really nice. Your dad says, "Wow, mom really has a green thumb"
    she is good at gardening
  • You are getting ready for the soccer game. It's 78 degrees outside and the sun feels hot. Coach says "it's a scorcher!"
    it's really hot outside
  • You are talking about your favorite teacher who has been out for a few days and your friend says "she has been under the weather."
    she is sick
  • You are trying to hang out with your sister and her friends and she says "get lost"
    she wants you to go away
  • Mom is loading the dishwasher at night and says "I love being the only one who does dishes"
    she wants help
  • You are at a friend's house and have been playing video games for hours. Their mom says, "much more of this and your eyes will fall out"
    she thinks you have been playing video games for too long
  • You are playing soccer with some friends and make a mistake. When you shoot the ball, it misses the goal by a lot. Your friend says "With talent like that, we can't lose."
    they are making fun of you for missing the goal