
Good Acts

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  • Situation: Today we are feeling the effects of global warming. How can we contribute to environmental protection?
    Assume our responsability. Like, we need to sort waste into special containers.
  • Situation: Your best friend invites you to his party and you would love to attend it. But on that day, you feel some symptoms of coronavirus. You call him about this situation and he insists on joining the party. What would you do?
    I would definitely not go there. After a few days, when I'm totally sure that I'm not infected, I will make it up.
  • Situation: If I see a poor hungry man what should I do to help?
    I'll give him food or some money to eat.
  • Situation: You see a person crying. What would you do?
    I console her/him.
  • Situation: You see that an old lady is having difficulty with her luggage at the airport. You are in a hurry. When that lady asks for help, what would you do?
    I would help her at least for a few minutes, then I would tell this lady that I have to go and I would ask another person for help.
  • Situation: You notice that a girl in the class drinks water from your bottle without asking. You don't mind the water but hygiene is important for you. What would you do?
    I would buy another bottle of water for her and one for myself.
  • Situation: If you see a homeless asking for help what do you do?
    Try to find out how you can help.
  • Situation: You know that one of your neighbour is infected with Covid 19 and he is out of his home regardless of the quarantine what would you do?
    Warn him about his wrong behaviour and call the officials.
  • Situation: Your mother is feeling very tired and it's almost dinner time, and she was supposed to make it. What should you do?
    Make dinner for your family.
  • Situation: You see someone throwing garbage on the floor. What are you doing?
    I collect trash behind him and warn him.
  • Situation: If you find a stray dog on the street what do you do?
    Take it to the vet and check the microchip to return it to its owner (correct) Ignore it Put it into someone’s garden Throw stones at it to make it go away
  • Situation: ıf you see some children making fun of one of your classmate in front of the school what would you do?
    Warn them and inform a teacher.
  • Situation: Your elderly neighbour is alone for a long time and don’t know how to use a computer and use internet. What should you do?
    Teach him to use a computer to surf the Internet or write emails to friends.
  • Situation: You know that your neighbour treats his dog badly, what do you do?
    I inform my parents/ an adult about the situation.