
Film Fright

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  • In 1974, Mel Brookes and Gene Wilder made a movie. What was it called?
    Young Frankenstein.
  • Which movie was made in 1910?
  • Use the word actor in a sentence. Write it on the board.
    Teacher checks.
  • What movie came out AFTER the original Frankenstein movie?
    The Bride of Frankenstein.
  • Use the word character in a sentence. Write the answer on the board!
    Teacher checks.
  • Use the word terror in a sentence. Write the answer on the board.
    Teacher checks.
  • What is the story about The Wolf Man?
    Talbot saves a woman from a werewolf but is bitten by it. Talbot turns into the wolfman.
  • How does Frankenstein look? Name 5 things.
    Teacher checks.
  • What happened to monster movies in the 1950s?
    US movie studios stopped making them.
  • The Son of Frankenstein is a real movie. True or false?
  • Use fascinated in a sentence. Write the answer on the board!
    Teacher checks
  • Name a famous movie monster that is NOT Frankenstein or Wolf Man
    Teacher checks.
  • Use the word successful in a sentence. Write the answer on the board!
    Teacher checks answer.
  • Putting makeup on actors was quick and easy work. True or false?
    False, it took them a long time!
  • After the movie studios stopped producing monster movies, people forgot about them. True or false.
  • Use the word original in a sentence. Write the answer on the board.
    Teacher checks.
  • Name a superhero that is half human and half animal.
    Teacher checks answer.
  • Who was Jack Pierce?
    A makeup artist.
  • When were the first motion pictures made?
  • What is a werewolf?
    A human that can turn into a wolf.
  • What were the two most successful movies between 1920 and 1950?
    Dracula and Frankenstein.
  • Use the word classic in a sentence. Write it on the board.
    Teacher checks.
  • Who is Dracula?
    A vampire
  • Who was Film Fright written by?
    Greg Roza
  • What was John P Fulton's job?
    He was a cameraman.